Hansel & Gretel: Build Your Own Opera

This game file utilizes the Ruffle Emulator: please visit ruffle.rs for more information

Hansel and Gretel: Learning about Opera!

Teacher Resources

Hansel and Gretel: Learning about Opera! is an online educational experience featuring Humperdinck’s Opera Hansel and Gretel. Players can control interactive elements in every scene and watch the play unfold.

Parents and children or student groups can experience and enjoy these activities together and learn about opera music and theatre. Music listening guides and music games assist with exploration of the elements of orchestral and opera music. At the end of the story, additional information and resources can be found Backstage at the Opera.

Hansel and Gretel: Learning about Opera is teacher ready! Teachers and educators, please download this lesson plan, featuring music education information, and cross-curricular activities on fairy tales. The music education activities are referenced to the National and State standards in Music Education, and the learning concepts of the games are also described.

  • Download Lesson Plan for Hansel & Gretel Interactive Opera
    [Microsoft Word.doc/211K/9 pages]
    Packet includes Lesson Plan, Music Standards covered by games and activities, all text from the game’s second section, Backstage at the Opera, and Glossary.
  • Text and Librettofor Hansel & Gretel Interactive Opera
    [Microsoft Word .doc, 117K/5 pages]
    All text and dialog from the Online Interactive game!

Download these activities for your classroom:

Hansel & Gretel Opera Module Credits

Hansel & Gretel: Build your own Opera was sponsored by Classical KUSC and Creative Kids Education Foundation and funded by Classical KUSC.

Producer and Writer: Dr. Jama Laurent, Creative Kids Education Foundation

Web Design and Development: Ann Zumwinkle, Mike Bilz, John Marchena, Douglas Bland for zumwinkle.com

Sound Engineering: Douglas Bland for zumwinkle.com

Hansel & Gretel Recording:

  • Music Engineer: Matt Janszen
  • Conductor: Brett Banducci
  • Vocal Talent: Diana Tash, Nichol Larimer, Richard Seymour, Nina Hinson, Jama Laurent

KUSC CEO and President: Brenda Barnes

KUSC General Manager: Eric DeWeese

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